Few simple steps to keep your vehicle looking fresher…longer! Our goal is to educate our community and serve them the best way we know how.
This starts with you. Most of these tips are about behavior and repetition, but just like your home, a few minutes a day prevents hours of work later…or even DAYS!
First, let’s talk trash and clutter!
Whether it’s straw wrappers, plastic bottles, fast food bags, or boogie filled Kleenexes, every time you are near a trash can, gather some of it up and throw it away. I know this sounds simple, but this is habitual behavior. You must force yourself into the habit of tidying up whenever the opportunity arises; the gas station, your home, work, etc.!
Second, let’s talk about prevention!
If you have dogs, simply laying an old blanket down before letting them in the car could save you hours of vacuuming. Let’s not forget about the smell too! There are many doggie car seats covers out there. Any of them would work, the goal is to provide a simple barrier to prevent the dog hair from weaving into the fabric.
Have a few rug rats? Me too!
Children can be like the Tasmanian devil! Wreaking havoc all over your freshly detailed vehicle. I understand it’s hard to drive and keep a constant focus on what your children are doing. Especially if you have more than one kid. This is going to be hard and I know I’m asking a lot, but not feeding your kids in the car will help A TON! Trust me, my daughter is not allowed to eat or drink in the car (exceptions have been made because I am a Daddy after all and she owns my heart)! A few stores sell seat protectors for the backs of your front seats! These are a GODSEND! Those little feet will put footprints all over your seat backs, it’s unavoidable, but these covers WORK!
Finally, Weekly touching!
If you can, I know we are busy with our children, work, and hobbies, but once a week vacuum your vehicle and wash it. I recommend carrying a few microfiber towels with you! Spend a few minutes really getting in there! This will help make that detail last and last! Sure, if you aren’t feeling up to it give us a call 097164 12345, we are here to help you keep that “Pride in Your Ride”!
Stay cool and stay humble,
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